Pregnancy Case Study

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For this assignment, I followed my first pregnancy, because my mother has dementia. The year prior to becoming pregnant, an ectopic pregnancy occurred, followed by emergency surgery. They removed the right fimbria, where the baby has implanted. They gave a 50/50% diagnosis in regards to future pregnancies. Hoping for a baby was stifled.
When the pregnancy test came back positive I was overjoyed. Chapter 4 in our text, “the Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence” by Kathleen Stassen Berger. gave a clear picture of how a baby is conceived and the development till birth. This was fascinating, when I was pregnant the technology was not as advanced as today. The photos taken invitro show such definition and evoke emotion.
Prenatal care was in the hands of a midwife. At the time, we were living in a Chiropractic College community, and it was common to use a midwife. Each month she would do the prenatal exams, including checking weight gain, blood pressure, urine tests, and a physical exam.
This was in the days before ultrasounds, she used a Doppler test. The Doppler test in pregnancy is defined per, “A Doppler is a form of ultrasound scan that helps to assess your baby 's health. It measures the blood flow in different parts of your baby 's body, such as his umbilical cord, brain, and heart. This helps to show …show more content…

During pregnancy, I read several books on bed-sharing and wanted to try it. However, she would have nothing to do with it. In the night, she would want to nurse once at about 2:00am. It was easier to bring her to bed and nurse, thinking she would fall asleep and sleep by my side. Not the case, she wanted back in her bed. Her bedtime was 8:00pm. She continued to wake at 2 am to nurse, but once back in bed, sleep till seven. Giving her 10 hours of sleep at night. She would nap for 1-2 hours twice a day till about a year old, then only one 2-hour nap. Around 3 years of age, she stopped regular

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