Essay On Pacifism

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Non-violence. Many people confuse this term with pacifism. Pacifism is defined as the belief that any violence, including war, is unjustifiable under any circumstances. Non-violence is defined as the use of peaceful means, not force, to bring about political or social change. The difference between the two are fairly simple to see when we define them side by side. Pacifism states that war is unjustifiable, however, it does not specify that Pacifism shows any inclination toward preventing war. Compare this to non-violence, which states that issues should only be solved in peaceful means. In this comparison, it would appear that Pacifism allows war, whereas non-violence tries to completely eradicate or avoid it. Now that we have clarified the …show more content…

There are many such statements in the Qu’ran that say the true Muslims should kill all of the infidels. The issue with their reasoning is that “The Quran contains… 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule” , out of a total of 6,236 verses. The radicals ignore the other 6,127 verses that often promote non-violence to solve issues rather than violence. The radicals have such a small point of view from such a vast book of knowledge, and the result is making everyone around the world fear the radical portion of such a great religion. What many might find surprising is that Islam is not that different compared to other religions, such as …show more content…

In a book he wrote about Islam, Khan says “Islam is a religion which teaches non-violence. According to the Qur 'an, God does not love fasad, violence. What is meant here by fasad is clearly expressed in verse 205 of the second chapter. Basically, fasad is that action which results in disruption of the social system, causing huge losses in terms of lives and property.” (Source 10) There is no better quote to explain how Islam is a peaceful religion. In the Qu’ran, it states specifically that God does not love violence. Those who follow a non-violent life as an Islam are truly following the word of God. The radicals that choose to follow their own interpretations of the Qu’ran are the ones creating a poor reputation and fear of

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