The Effects Of Domestic Violence On Young People

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Various investigations and findings from renowned researchers highlight the way and extent to which young people are involved in intimate relationships, and can become the victims of domestic violence (Barter et al., 2010). Domestic violence amongst young people is hidden because it is expected to happen to older people; even the government definition specifies the ‘adult’ nature of abuse. The research will explore further on how the effect of domestic violence makes some young people afraid to speak out. It will then go on to look at how emotional and social abuse impact young people when domestic violence takes place. On the other hand, it will then look into how physical damage and emotional damage has a major effect on the young person life and potential effects it may have on the younger person in later life. Barking and Dagenham council stated that Domestic violence does not only occur amongst adults but also young people (teenagers), which is starting to create awareness within the society (NHS Barking and Dagenham). This is commonly referred to as teen ‘dating’ abuse.
Subject to the aims of this project, one researched the term ‘dating’ within the US society and discovered that the broader international literature has accepted the term “dating” to define this part of the research. However, this term does not sit well within the UK context because most young people do not use or recognise the term “dating” within their language of speech. Some may feel that dating is too much of a formality that does not necessarily reflect the diverse range of young people’s intimate encounters and relationships. US research shows that it focuses on physical or sexual violence. Its research also confirms the high prevalence of partner v...

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...te partner violence” OR “domestic abuse” AND young people this gave me hits of 5,329,746, which was a bit too much. To narrow down the search one suggested English for the language, which brought the search down to 3,122,248. With a great bit of chunky taken away from the search the amount shown was still a bit high. To narrow it down even further one clicked on academic journals, which brought the search down to 609,485. These hits were still quite high however, with suggested specific publication dates, one was able to allocate dates from 2008 to 2015, this suggested the subject area, which was domestic violence”,“ young people, and intimate partner violence which dropped my search dramatically leaving me with 5,881. This made it easier to find recent journals. With this, one was able to begin the process of my research, which will help in creating and developing

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