The Effects Of Body Types And Criminal Behavior

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Crime and biology are interrelated through various factors such as biological predisposition, location, family interactions, friends, body type, etc. These factors alone do not necessarily link to criminal behavior, but they can be one reason for someone’s criminal tendencies. Likewise, a person’s genes can predispose them to criminal behavior; however, people still have free will to choose to engage in criminal activity. Adrian Rane, a distinguished bio-psychologist, states, “despite strong resistance in many quarters, there is now little scientific doubt that genes play a significant role in antisocial behavior” (Hickey, 2013, p. 27). Both body type and biological predisposition can play a role in criminal activity, yet they are not the reason …show more content…

The effects of crime based on body type are merely relationships due to some other driving forces. Sheldon Hartl, a psychologist and author, proposed a theory on physiques and criminal involvement stating, “individuals having particular body types are more inclined to engage in such behaviors compared to their counterparts that have other body types” (Hartl, 1949, p. 47). There are three different body types: endomorph- (overweight), mesomorph- (muscular build), and ectomorph- (thin). According to Sheldon’s research, mesomorphs are more inclined to be criminally involved than other body …show more content…

3). Some genes are activated because of several physical, cultural, and social influences in the environment. At birth, genes start to play a role in the growth of traits that have the prospective to lead an individual down the path of unlawful conduct. A common misconception in criminology is that biology is destiny. Instead, the reality is that genes that predispose criminal behavior can be changed through interventions. Interventions can help change one's outlook on life and certain actions, by letting them see the benefits of choosing right from wrong.
An example of biological factors relating to criminal behavior can be seen through adoption studies. These studies are critical in examining how an individual’s biological makeup can predispose them to criminal behavior. Kids are separated from their criminal, biological parents at an early stage in life and are sent to be with different families who are stable and absent from crime. If these kids were to grow up and become criminals in households, where there is no sign of criminal behavior. This can be an indicator that genetic influences from their biological parents are present (Jones, 2005, p.

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