The Effectiveness of the Legislation and Policy Reforms in Practice

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The Effectiveness of the Legislation and Policy Reforms in Practice In this essay I will set out to identify key legislation, which has impacted and shaped the lives of my particular client group, adults with learning disabilities. Learning disabilities can be hard to define, but it is widely accepted that impairments in the ability to read, write, spell, speak or perform any mathematical calculations can lead to a diagnosis of learning disabilities. The campaign group Values into Action defines learning disabilities as “A disorder in one or more of the basic cognitive and psychological process involved in understanding or using written or spoken language”. I will give an overview of service provision from the incarceration of individuals in long stay institutions to the present day practice of caring for these individuals in the community. The key legislation I will be focussing on is The N.H.S and Community Care (1990) Act; key components of this act were the concept of the therapeutic community, psychiatric rehabilitation, sheltered employment, day hospitals and talking therapy. I will also identify other key legislation and government reports, post 1990. I will be examining what this act has meant in real terms for people who have learning disabilities. Most people would agree that provision is better now for this particular group than it’s ever been in the past, but gaps still exist in service provision. I will also discuss society’s perceptions and understanding of people who have learning disabilities, and how this mirrored government policies of the time. Historically the 18th and early parts of the 19th century were ... ... middle of paper ... ...ersy. Many people believed that the closure of the long stay institutions would mean that people with learning disabilities would be “dumped” into homes or houses unable to support themselves. It was felt that the government would be reluctant to put enough resources into social care or provide enough provision. Many believed social care provision would become another “bottomless pit” as far as funding was concerned. It is evident that community care is working. New legislation like the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 and the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001 are just now only beginning to make a difference. With this new legislation all the signs point to the fact that the Government have put social care provision quite high on their agenda and are taking the issue of community care seriously.

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