The Effect of Standard of Beauty toward Pecola in The Bluest Eye

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“The Bluest Eye” is taking place around 1940 in Lorain, Ohio. During the year of 1940, discrimination, especially toward African Americans, was still a serious problem. People believe that whiteness is the standard of beauty. The main character, Pecola, who was a nine-years-old African-American, was influenced by how people view beauty. Pecola suffered and felt that she is inferior to others. Pecola believed that having a pair of blue eyes would made people think she is pretty, and would be the key resolving all the problems. What is beautiful? How do people define beauty? People view differently. Usually, we judge people, first, from his or her appearance then to their inherence. It is a common fact that appearance has an indirect relationship with confidence. No matter male or female, people want to pretty (, or handsome). “Because each culture has its own standards of beauty, the way people choose to enhance their appearance will vary among cultures. (Raskoff)” The standards of beauty are varies due to the different period of time, the different locations, and different culture. ...

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