The Importance of Water on Earth

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All matter is made up of atoms and water is no exception. In order to shape molecules atoms either bond, or fuse together. To shape a water molecule, two atoms of hydrogen must bond to a single atom of oxygen. This results with the chemical composition of H2O. Water is an extremely unique substance because of its numerous special properties, the process of structuring a water molecule, and how they all act together.
When a single oxygen atom is bonded by two hydrogen atoms at its top, the molecule resembles the ears (hydrogen atoms) and face (oxygen) of Mickey Mouse. A covalent bond with electrons that don’t share equally, is a molecule identified being polar. This Mickey Mouse shape of the water molecule provides polarity. Signifying that as a whole, water molecules are neutral, however at the same time one end has a negative charge while the other has a positive. The oxygen side is negatively charged, whereas the hydrogen side is positively charged. South poles attracted to north poles in a magnet (two opposites), is very similar to how opposites attract in a water molecule; the negative side is attracted to the positive side of another molecule. Caused by the polarity of water is the “stickiness” linking molecules, also known as cohesion.
In result of water polarity is the property of cohesion; which is responsible for water being able to fuse to itself effortlessly. Another resulting property is that of adhesion, which indicates water’s strong ability to attach to other things as well; hence on particular exteriors, water spans out in a fine layer. Rather than fusing together in a clump, water spans out. Thus, the cohesive forces get over powered by the adhesive ones, after there has been an interaction between water and th...

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...ine structure that is incredibly “open” and denser than the liquid state. In the doing so, water expands as it freezes. Ice has the ability to float for this reason. Regarding the situation in which water behaved like the majority of liquids, would conclude with ecosystem changing results. Nevertheless, all underwater life forms would die in every freezable body of water; which would be frozen solid from the bottom up. Thus, the property of water allowing ice to float is crucial for life of underwater ecosystems, as well as their survival here on planet Earth.
All aspects of life on earth are affected by water. In the absence of water the planet would not only look utterly different, but animals wouldn’t have oxygen to breathe, and plants would not even exist. To maintain a healthful environment as well as human beings, water is an essential resource to have.

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