Motivation In The Work Environment

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The work environment as we know it today has changed a lot compared to perhaps a century ago. Change is an ever present force in the work environment. There are many factors that affect job satisfaction. The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between job satisfaction and productivity in the work environment. In addition the paper will examine motivation as a factor affecting job satisfaction. The concept of motivation is a very broad one. This will seek to zone in on the more critical aspects of motivation.
As defined by Herbert L. Petri in his book Motivation Theory, Research, and Applications motivation is the concept we use we describe the forces acting on or within an organism to initiate and direct behaviour. We also use the concept of motivation to explain differences in the intensity of behaviour. More intense behaviours are considered to be the result of higher levels of motivation. Motivation is a truly multi-dimensional concept.
Motivation may be narrowed down to stemming from and internal or external sources or more precisely extrinsic motivation related to tangible rewards such as salary and fringe benefits and also intrinsic motivation related to psychological …show more content…

Once one need is filled people will move to the next need. Maslow maintains that it is the unsatisfied needs that drive human motivation. The workplace is made up of a vast array of individual’s, motivation may be dependent on the unsatisfied needs of an employee. Ultimately the drive of an employee to fulfill his or her needs will impact the level of motivation the employee displays. The higher the level of motivation the higher the level of job satisfaction and the higher the level of productivity. Alternately the process may be reversed somewhat, the higher an individual’s job satisfaction the more motivated he or she is and the higher the level of productivity from that

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