The Effect Of Enzyme Experiment On Catalase Concentration

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At the time of conducting the experiment, the intention was to analyse the effect that an increase in catalase concentration had on the amount of oxygen (O2) produced if the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentration was constant. It was proposed that when the catalase increases in concentration at the increments of 0.5%, 1%, 2%, and 4% and the hydrogen peroxide remained at a fixed concentration, the oxygen production would rise gradually. It was suggested that this would occur due to the collision theory ("BBC - GCSE Bitesize: Collision Theory") and the greater number of active sites thus an increase in accessibility allowing enzyme- substrate complex’s to be formed. According to the data gathered from the experiment, it can be implied that the hypothesis was supported as the data indicates an incline in oxygen …show more content…

This is evident as the average gradient for 0.5% catalase concentration is 0.067%/s and the average gradient of 4% catalase concentration is 0.315%/s. The rise of oxygen production has occurred because as the hydrogen peroxide is added to the varying levels of concentration of catalase. The solution with the highest enzyme concentration will yield the most activity, thus producing more oxygen gas ("Enzyme Investigation. How Does The Concentration Of Hydrogen Peroxide Affect The Amount Of Oxygen Produced By The Enzyme Catalase? - International Baccalaureate Biology - Marked By Teachers.Com"). This assumption is based on scientific theory, which states an increase in enzyme concentration will also increase the chances of substrate-enzyme binding.("General Principles - Chemwiki") An example of this is the average R2-value for 1% catalase solution was 0.090%/s and the average R2- value of the 2% catalase solution was 0.094%/s. This indicates a strong positive correlation, meaning that as x increases (catalase concentration), y also increases (rate of oxygen

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