Importance Of Liberal Education

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A liberal education is to provide a basic knowledge in multiple areas of content such as: math, reading, writing, history, and science, with addition to preparing a person for global citizenship. To be a global citizen, means that the person needs to be aware of what is going on in the world around them, to contribute to society, understands how the world works, takes responsibility for their own actions and to be self-sufficient. I strongly believe to receive a true liberal education you must start early in your educational career. There is no real end to a liberal education, as education itself is a never ending learning process. A quality education is not learned only inside the four walls of a school, life experiences will expand …show more content…

Life exasperates have taught me so much. I started my own horseback riding lesson program when I was 14 years old, which contended to grow as I got older. In June 2011 I opened my own horse boarding, training, and lesson barn down the road from my parents house. I learned quickly how things work in the world. I learned I had to pay bills on time, how to communicated with people of all ages and walks of life, I learned about liability insurance, how to run a business, and networking. I learned a lot of lessons the hard way. Bills did not go away just because I did not open the mail. People saw my age first, making some business transitions difficult. You are not always covered under your parents health insurance when you get hurt off the property, which makes having your own liability insurance a must have. Running a horse boarding, training, and lesson business is more than physical work its a lot of paper work. Networking is key in the business world, the more you advertise, make contains with other people and businesses in the area the more you are able to find help and answers when needed. How things work will always be an area for me to learn and grow in, as everything is constantly

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