The Economic Integration of Europe, America & ... Asia?!

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In his book Resurgence of the West, Rosecrance claims that after centuries of success, the United States is facing an economic and political decline due to the rise of China. He suggests that the United States can fix this problem by one of two ways. The first is isolationism, but that means the United States will have to completely remove itself from international affairs. On the other hand, Rosecrance proposes that the United States form an economic coalition with Europe, to stand up against rising China and ‘non-western’ countries. Eventually, both regions will witness an economic prosperity through this merger. As a result, this will prompt China and other ‘non-western’ nations to join this alliance. Although Rosecrance makes valid arguments, I will focus on his second, which has a major flaw. Should the United States and Europe (and eventually China and ‘non-western’ nations) form economic an alliance, there would be no need for competition. With no competition, there is no threat and ultimately, the use for naval power becomes futile. Hence, militaristic organizations such as NATO will cease to exist. In the past, when empires formed alliances, it’s either due to the speed and possibility of war, the change of power from nation to nation, and whether there is a presence or absence of ideological problems. It’s no secret that we live in a competitive world. This has been proven much throughout history as empires have competed against each other. The conclusion, is that as one empire rises, another falls. From the late 19th and early 20th centuries, we’ve had the Holy Roman Empire followed by the Mongol Empire, to the French, British, American and several other empires. All with the exception of American, no longer exist t... ... middle of paper ... World War: on one hand, he couldn’t care less of his actions, he just wanted to create a powerful and a better Germany by seizing other nations, eventually he wanted to rule entire world. On the other hand, other nations, didn’t not want to be under Germany’s control nor did they want Germany to be better than they, therefore, they fought against Germany. In addition to Rosecrance’s argument, an economic alliance between Europe and the United States would bring to demise NATO. NATO is militaristic organization, instead of having wars, countries will be having economic wars. Ultimately, a powerful American-European enterprise will develop and the rest of world is likely to join. Internal problems are likely to occur as some countries will benefit more from this merger than other. And with an organization this concentrated, expect corruption to be at its highest.

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