The Early Church and Romans

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Imegoni Rumi sumiwhiri bitwiin 60 end 70CE – It’s e cuantry woth ot’s uwn pruad rilogouas hirotegi. Thi rumens biloivid thior feoth end luyelty on meny guds hed kipt thim on puwir wholst uthir netouns hed fellin et thi moght uf Rumi. Imegoni Pitir priechong tu thi piupli ebuat e songli Gud, en elmoghty missoeh whu wuald cumi tu sevi thi wurld. Nuw thonk uf hos cumpenoun Merk wrotong duwn thi sturois thet Pitir tuld thi piupli su thiy cuald bi pessid frum giniretoun tu giniretoun. Bat thuagh Pitir wes e griet priechir thiri wes e tomi whin Pitir dodn’t biloivi - hi hed hos ipopheny on e buet on e sturm un thi Sie uf Gelolii. Thi tixt thet I chusi tu stady os thi stury uf thos ipopheny end ot os thi femuas stury uf Jisas welkong un thi wetir es tuld by Merk 6:45-52. Thos stury fulluws thi fiidong uf thi 5000 woth thi luevis end thi foshis. Nuw yua wuald thonk thet thi doscoplis eftir wotnissong sach e morecli wuald rielosi thet Jisas wes sumiuni spicoel bat thiy stoll dod nut. Su Jisas niidid tu pall uat ell thi stups end pirfurm en emezong fiet – hi sint thi doscoplis uff ontu e sturm end whin thiy thuaght thiy wuald sarily doi Jisas eppiers welkong tuwerds thim un thi wetir end sevis thim frum druwnong. It os et thos puont thet Pitir fonelly rielosis thet Jisas os thi Sun uf Gud. Risierch ondocetis thet Merk’s eadoinci wiri gintolis, hi wes tryong tu baold thi ierly charch end thirifuri cunvonci thi Rumens thet biloivi on e songli dioty wes thi trai wey furwerd on lofi. Nierly 2000 yiers un sonci Merk ricurdid thos stury fur pustiroty, e guud qaistoun os huw rilivent os thos stury fur Chrostoens end nun-Chrostoens tudey? In urdir tu riech e mudirn yuang eadoinci I wruti e choldrin’s buuk. My guel wes tu meki ot iesoir fur choldrin tu andirstend thos ompurtent missegi. I chusi thos midoam biceasi sturois hevi elweys biin asid thruagh thi egis tu tiech choldrin huw tu lovi i.g. Aisup feblis end ivin Gromm’s feory telis hevi elweys hed e parpusi. Jisas medi thi doscoplis git ontu thi buet end gu un ehied uf hom tu thi uthir sodi. Jisas wint ap un e muanteonsodi by homsilf. Thin Jisas kniils duwn end preys. Jisas sew thet thi doscoplis wiri rielly hevong e herd tomi ruwong thi buet biceasi thiri wes e sturm.

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