The Downfall Of Alejandro: Short Story

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The Downfall of Alejandro Long before modern times and before waves were made there was a man named Alejandro. He was a selfish man that always used his friends and family to get things he wanted, especially from his friend Dionysus, the god of grapes. Dionysus; however, did not like the Heavens, so he would stay in Greece with his best friend, Alejandro, who was loved by the gods, but had never been to Heaven. One day Zeus, Dionysus’s dad, invited Alejandro for supper. Once Dionysus took Alejandro to the Heavens, Zeus greeted him with a hug. “Come Alejandro, we must feast tonight!” Zeus emphasized. Zeus guided Alejandro to the table surrounded with beautiful aromas of the spinach pie and garlic fish. Even the looks of the food made Alejandro’s mouth water and jaw drop. “Please, take a seat,” Dionysus insisted. Alejandro and the powerful gods were stuffing their mouths with huge pieces of …show more content…

As he was screaming to his death thousands of bugs flew into his mouth. The feeling of wind no longer felt peaceful, Alejandro was going as fast as a meteor that the sound of wind was deafening. Alejandro still kept on thinking of the time he betrayed Dionysus and why he shouldn’t have. If Alejandro wasn’t selfish he wouldn’t have commanded Dionysus or use him for grape juice. As he was falling he kept on getting closer and closer to water. Clouds were not as fluffy as he imagined, instead they were just air. He was running out of time Just think happy thoughts, he imagined. Nevertheless he couldn’t because he was too afraid. He closed his eyes and then everything turned black. Alejandro was nowhere to be seen, disappeared into the ocean. However, Alejandro was not the only thing to fall that day. When Zeus threw the lightning at Alejandro, one of the stairs cracked causing a chain reaction. As one stair fell down it hit the water generating colossal damage creating a massive ripple effect in the ocean, known today as

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