The Disturbing Affects Punishment Can Have On Children and the Alternatives

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Positive and negative punishments are used every day in trying to correct children’s unacceptable behavior, yet the insignificant amount of advantages achieved by punishment are largely outweighed by the massive amounts of disadvantages.

Positive and Negative Punishment

Punishment is the removal of a pleasant incentive or the application of an unpleasant stimulus. Both positive and negative punishment is considered an unpleasant event for a child. Positive punishment is a decrease in behavior that results from an “added” consequence. For example, a student stops staying up late (decrease conduct) after sleeping through an important exam (added consequence). Negative punishment is a decrease in behavior that results from a “removed” consequence. For instance, a teenager stops coming home late (decrease conduct) after parents took away going-out privileges for two weeks (removed consequence). (Wood, Wood and Boyd)

Disadvantages of Punishment

Punishment does not reduce undesirable conduct; rather, it suppresses the actions. There are two kinds of punishment – verbal and physical. A verbal response would be yelling, threatening, name-calling, and put-downs; while spanking, slapping, pinching, twisting of the arm, and pulling of the ear are physical forms. (Kersey) Corporal punishment is any kind of “physical” punishment that involves the deliberate infliction of pain. Today, there is a thin line between “acceptable” corporal punishment and child abuse. (Kids Development - The Effects of Punishement on Children)

Punishment shows a child certain behaviors are undesirable and will bring about pain, but in return does not help them develop a more knowledgeable way to conduct themselves. It does not help children unde...

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Kersey, Dr. Katharine C. "The Center for Effective Discipline." n.d. Discipline at Home. Web. 8 March 2011 .

"Kids Development - Disciplining Chrildren." n.d. Disciplining Children. Web. 8 March 2011 .

"Kids Development - The Effects of Punishement on Children." n.d. The Effects of Punishement on Children. Web. 8 March 2011 .

"MaybeNow! - Live, Help, Exchange." n.d. What are the disadvantages of discipline? Web. 9 March 2011 .

Wood, Samel E., Ellen Green Wood and Denise Boyd. Mastering the World of Psychology. Ed. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. 3rd. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc., 2008.

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