The Diols Short Story

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Life had never been the same since the Diols had taken over. On the 2nd of May 2019, the Diols had emerged from the Earth, as if waking from their deep slumber. They swarmed all over the Earth, conquering country after country with their army of a billion and advanced weaponry, until they controlled the whole world. Everyone had to submit to the Diols, or face death.

The year is now 2073. My name is Bishop and the Diols employ me as a snitch. At first, I didn’t want to spy on people; morally it felt wrong. But the Diols threatened to kill my friends and family; which convinced me to do as they asked.

They sent me to stake out a convent full of nuns, suspicious and strange activates had been witnessed in and around the convent. The community …show more content…

I could see. I could see everything, the nuns were doing. Nothing seemed out of place as I continued to watch the nuns go about their business. No one acted suspicious, and no incidents occurred. I concluded that all the reports on the nuns were false. I was about to call it a day, and then suddenly, all of the nuns vanished from sight. I looked through my binoculars for any signs of life. Vanished, how, why, the convent was silent and empty.

Surprised, I got out of my car and headed down to the convent’s main entrance. I didn’t bother to knock. As I entered I drew my short sword, issued to me by the Diols department of weaponry. I brandished the blade, daring the emptiness of the building to challenge me.

As I searched the convent, it became clear that something was not right. The nun’s daily chores were left unfinished, the dinner table was half laid, the roast in the oven had burnt, vacuum cleaners and duster were lying on the floor. It was as if the nuns had evaporated, suddenly disappearing off the face of the …show more content…

I followed several conveniently placed signs that lead me straight to the room containing the super computer that controlled the entirety of the Neo Huns’ robotic Diol army. I scanned wearily around the room for guards. To my surprise the room was empty, the Neo Huns hadn’t thought to post guards anywhere in the factory. I sheathed my broad sword and approached the computer, intimidated by its power. I entered a few simple commands and brought up a live video feed of the robots being booted up riding out of the secret factory on horseback. Another camera showed the army ransacking the town, burning cars and looting buildings. People were running away from the robotic Diols as fast as they could, but the robotic horses chased them down

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