Dimensions Of Intellectual Dimension

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Occupational dimension explains person's satisfaction with his working environment, and occupational development.
Physical dimension "recognizes the need of regular physical activity", which includes not only living an active life, but also leading a healthy-lifestyle with its dieting, habits and such supporting rules, as regular medical checking, personal responsibility and care and so on.
Social dimension pays attention to the relationships in the community a person lives. The relation is important not only between community members, but also between people and the surrounding environment, nature, where harmony needs to be achieved.
Intellectual dimension involves one's intellectual skills, creativity, cultural activity, learning abilities, problem solving abilities, interests, curiosity - all what helps one to become a personality with his own views and understanding of the world.
Spiritual dimension implies the understanding of human existence, forces existing in the universe, feelings, personal beliefs and values.
Emotional dimension includes feelings and awareness, the possi...

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