The Digestive System And The Digestive System

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The digestive system is a myriad of organs functioning together to turn food into energy and basic nutrients to nourish the whole body. Food passes through a long tube on the inside of the body which is known as the alimentary canal or the gastriontestinal tract. Digestion begins in the mouth. The process begins way before food comes in contact with the stomach. When a smell that pleases our senses (smell, taste or imagining a delicious snack) the salivary glands, which are below the tongue and near the mandibular jaw, start producing saliva. The digestive system is very important for many different reasons. It helps turn our food and drinks into small molecules of nutrients, before the blood absorbs them and takes them to cells throughout the body. The body breaks down all nutrients into protein, fats, and vitamins. There are many different regions that play a role in our digestive systems. The digestive system is composed of many different elements that help our daily needs in breaking down, processing, and eliminating waste. Without this system we wouldn 't be able to live. The …show more content…

In order to make sure your body is healthy always consult with your healthcare professional. Chest pain is a big indicator that you could potentially have something wrong with the digestive system. Irritable Bowel Syndrome, hemorrhoids and Celiac Disease are examples of negative impacts to our digestive system. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins around the anus region. They are very painful and cause a lot of discomfort. They are very common in obese people and pregnant women. They are often self-diagnosable and no lab tests are required. Irritable bowel syndrome is defined as; a problem that affects the large intestine. Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome include; bloating, pain, diarrhea and not being able to use the bathroom. A good diet, healthy lifestyle and eliminating stress can help control irritable bowel

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