Hypovolemic Shock Essay

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While the respiratory and cardiovascular systems are most reliant on one another, all body systems require a functioning circulatory cycle in order to thrive. Consistent transfer of oxygen through blood vessels is required to maintain cell and tissue life. Without this cells and later tissues will die Disturbances to this process cause cells and tissues to die (Red Cross 48). This required state in which all body systems are functioning properly is called homeostasis, defined as a “condition of equilibrium in the body’s internal environment due to constant interaction of body’s many regulatory processes.” This process also can help regulate any disruptions or changes within the body (Tortura, 8.

Each system contributes to homeostasis, and …show more content…

Hypovolemic shock specifically causes the cardiovascular system to fail from a significant loss of blood volume, the cause of which can occur from hemorrhage or other methods of severe fluid loss. This lack in blood volume is what causes the failure of the cardiovascular system and oxygen delivery, and this fluid loss occurs, the body experiences hypovolemic shock in three sequential stages to try and maintain adequate blood flow throughout the body. These stages are named compensated, decompensated, and irreversible (Wang …show more content…

Hypovolemic shock specifically causes the cardiovascular system to fail from a significant loss of blood volume, the cause of which can occur from hemorrhage or other methods of severe fluid loss. This lack in blood volume is what causes the failure of the cardiovascular system and oxygen delivery, and this fluid loss occurs, the body experiences hypovolemic shock in three sequential stages to try and maintain adequate blood flow throughout the body. These stages are named compensated, decompensated, and irreversible (Wang

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