The Different Types of Chemical Bonds

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An atom. From the smallest to the biggest, every atom (excluding noble gases) shares the same desire: to be able to have a full octet, meaning a filled valence shell of eight electrons! Why? Just like how you are unstable in life when something is missing, atoms are unstable because they are lacking the necessary electrons for an octet. However, these atoms are smart and find a way to get what they want. What they do is what we call today as a chemical bond!
The number of valence electrons determine how unstable an atom is, in which determine an atom’s electronegativity. When looking at the periodic table (PTofE), you can see that on the top right corner is where the highest electronegativities are located, maxing at Fluorine. However, on the lower left corner you can see this is where the lowest electronegativities are located, reaching the limit at Francium. The electronegativity of each atom determines the types of bonds it forms when it is paired with another atom. The different types of bonds that can be created are: Metallic bonds, ionic bonds, polar covalent bonds, and nonpol...

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