The Different Forms of Demonstrative Communication

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To communicate effective would be to get you point across. We communicate with others in various ways. Verbally we speak and carry on conversations. Non verbally we send emails, texts and smoke signals. Whichever form of communication that is chosen, the object is to make sure that it has been consumed and understood.

When something needs to be communication, the form of communication must first be established. In terms of the sender, they must establish the type or mode of communication that they would like to use.

When preparing to give a speech which would be verbal communication, then the audience that will be hearing the speech must be profiled. If there is an audience of like individuals such as medical professionals, then the speech will be geared towards them. If there would be a person(s) in the audience that was not in the medical profession, then the speech would be foreign to them. It is important to make sure that they context of what you are speaking will be understood clearly in order for the communication to be effective.

Verbal communication is the most easiest when it comes to relaying messages as you would be able to articulate exactly what you are meaning face to face and the recipient can hear and witness the tone of the conversation.

Non verbal communication is when you have other ways to relay your intent other that written or verbal. This can be done through body language. A person can relay their anger, depression, happiness and sadness through body movements, reactions, and other looks. Sign language for deaf people is an example of non verbal communication, the hand gestures that are used must be used correctly and the recipient must know the language in order to understand what is being said....

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...le can be positive and laughing would be assuming that something was said funny. While tears can be from sadness and or joy. It is all in how it is interpreted from the onset communication.

It is important to get the response that you were anticipating. This can be confirmed by the questions that are being asked of you at the end. It can be the replies to your emails, texts etc. In some cases it is confirmed by the actions that the recipient(s) take in response.

Proper reception of any communication would be to listen to what is being relayed. The only way to properly respond would be if you received all of the communication and understood it. If there is no understanding the communication was not effective.

Works Cited

Quintanilla, K., & Wahl, S. (2014). Business and Professional Communication: Keys for Workplace Excellence (2nd ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage.

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