The Desire For Redemption: Reality And Horrors For Redemption

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Having a real friendship isn’t about who you were or what you did, but who you are, and what you will do. At the start of the film, we see two different men with not much in common but the fact that they are in prison together. In a letter he writes to Red, Andy hopes that Red remembers what he says about where he would go if he ever gets out. Andy wrote, “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.” Over time their friendship starts to become something more than what they could have ever believe it could be. Andy’s real escape from the reality and horrors of the prison are the bonds he has made, especially with Red. Andy’s message to Red embodies the desire for redemption. Changing the past is out of their control and learning from the present and being able to move forward in their lives is what they can do about this experience. Their bond is much stronger than a regular one formed on the outside of the prison because they go through the harsh system that forces them to learn how to depend on their self. Andy genuinely felt guilty which led him and Red to have a stronger chance of redemption because he has to atone for more. In a way, Red acknowledge his guilt too, and that paves the way for a stronger connection. Even though Andy is innocent of the murders, he …show more content…

Fighting for it will show you how much you really want it. In this film we see the redemption and second chances that the main characters found within their soul. It leads them to find inner peace and eventually happiness. The ending closes off with bright and nice colors and smiles exchanged between Andy and Red which concludes that they found what they wanted. It shows through the relationships Andy makes; with Red, building the library, and the impact he has on Tommy. At the end who you choose to become and how you redeem yourself is more important than who you were in the first

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