The Definition Of World Hunger In The World

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In 1996, during the World Food Summit, governments made a commitment to cut world hunger in half by the year 2015. The purpose of this article is to find the best way to measure world hunger and eradicate it. The dictionary definition of hunger is an ‘uneasy and painful sensation caused by the lack of food.” Hunger isn’t something that can be measured easily because it can be defined in many different ways, because of this there are 7 hunger indices.
The World Bank Food Security Index was produced in the 70s and 80s. This method measure calorie consumption and income data from surveys. People who consumed less than the calorie requirement were named undernourished. The problem with this method is that it is only done annually. It does not measure the effects of the seasons and shortages.
The Food and Agriculture Organization, or FAO index was published in 1987 and started publishing annually after 1996. It measures hunger on calorie intake based on Food Balance Sheets. Under this, hunger is defined as “energy deficiency caused by inadequate dietary intake.” The index is calculate...

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