What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Neolithic Revolution

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The Neolithic Revolution, which also called the Agricultural Transformation, took place between 10,000 and 8,000 years old in the Near East. This revolution began at the time that people started to practice farming. The growth of population made people to develop a new ability to adapt with the needs of the communities and to start to gather together in order to build up larger groups. The expansion of larger society and the development of farming provided more secure for the economic at that time.
Bands of people make the transition from hunter/gathers/wanderer to settled life because people had more knowledge about their livelihood in the developing world. They had a professional understanding about the great deal of the life cycles of …show more content…

Hunting and gathering provided the rich and varied nutrition that made people have a healthier lifestyle. Living in small groups decreased the spread of contagious diseases and increased the average longevity. However, hunting and gathering fed less people in societies. Hunter and gatherer diet took 10 square miles to feed one hunter/gather while farming could feed more than 100 people with the same 10 square miles. Even though, farming did not provide people a healthier life, farming could feed more people and adapt with the change of population and technology rapidly. Farming also contained some disadvantages. Living in large groups increases the spread of contagious diseases and could have reduced the average of the length of life. Besides, farming caused the damage of the environment as well as the change of vegetation and animal populations.
The transformation in different regions of the world were similar and different at some points. The Mesoamericans were Indians of Central America and Mayans & Aztec. The American Indians were the first farmers in the Western …show more content…

The basic of agriculture had been discovered and provided more secure food supply, so large bands of Indians could live in one are for a long time. Indian farmers might have grown pumpkins in Tamaulipas, while Tehuacan farmers might be the first to domesticate corn. The Tehuacan Valley became a center of agricultural development because Indian farmers had a great opportunity to practice agriculture. The soil and moisture conditions at Tehuacan Valley supported farmers farming without concerning about the water and land. This also led to a stable agricultural economy. As time passes, farmers had more knowledge in agriculture, so they improved plants throughout the careful selection of the best seeds. Indians farmers spent less time hunting and gathering in order to have more time for planting and harvesting. The Tehuacan people practiced slash-and-burn, which was known as milpa or swidden agriculture.
The Maya people in Guatemala, Belize and Honduras developed the agriculture in the rain forest by 1200BC. Maya people also practiced the slash and burn method. By around 500BC, practicing agriculture was the primary source that food for Maya people. Besides, Maya farmers practiced raised-field, which also called chinampas, agriculture on a large scale. Maya farmers developed extensive hillside terraces. The Mayan as well

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