The Decision in Medea by Euripides

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In life much of our future rest upon our decisions. These decisions come in all different shapes and sizes, and some have the potential to thrive our futures into greatness, while others can destroy our lives to the point of no return. In the play Medea, by Euripides he provides his audience with a dramatic story of a woman who will stop at nothing, to reach her goals of revenge. In Medea there are many significant decisions made throughout the story. The decision by Medea to let her desire for revenge rule her life, I believe is the most important. Medea is a tragedy, which shows the true destruction and horror that came from one decision.
In the beginning of the play, we learn that Medea along with her two children have been abandoned by Jason. Jason is Medea’s husband who leaves her to be with the daughter of Creon, the king of Corinth. Jason knows that by being with his daughter he will one day be able to achieve power and glory. The decision by Jason to leave Medea for Creon daughter is optimally the quarter stone for Medea’s quest for revenge. There are a few conversations in the play between Medea and Jason, which shows Jason does still have some feelings for Medea. They also show his true love for his two children, but Jason’s lust for power and glory is seen as the most important thing. He makes excuses for abandoning his family by saying: he is doing this for the best interest of them. Although the reader can conclude that he is doing this for his own best interest. Jason seems to have no realization of how truly mad Medea has become for him leaving her. Media’s love and devotion towards Jason controls her life. Jason’s decision to leave her optimally turns Media into a sociopath. With this state of mind, Medea optimally...

... middle of paper ... has many significant decisions but the decisions by Medea to get revenge, which leads her to murdering many people in the process, is the most dramatic decision of all. It shows all the horror that can come from our decisions, and that we should not let revenge rule our lives as it did Medea’s. Overall, the story was very entertaining with all of Medea’s unthinkable decisions and she received no punishments for what she did, really made the play unpredictable. Euripides used a variety of concepts throughout the play that leaves it up to the audience to interpret Medea, in a variety of ways. Revenge, betrayal, passion, love, etc. are all feelings portrayed in Medea and they are what help shape the overall meaning of the play. In conclusion, one can feel that Medea’s focus of revenge took over her life, and she made the decision to choose passion over reasoning.

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