The Petrol Tax Debate

1111 Words3 Pages

The Petrol Tax Debate



The aim of this project is to answer the question whether or not

petrol taxes should be raised. To do this I will take the views of the

public, this will include views for and against raised petrol taxes.

The most likely reason for raised tax will be reviewed later in this


Firstly I will analyse the questionnaire. The data for the

questionnaire was collected, with the use of primary research, (for

more information see below)

What is Primary or field research?

Primary research is where you obtain new data for a specific purpose.

The marketing department of a firm or a specialist research

organization can provide this. Typically, the data is gathered by

face-to-face interviews, by telephone or by post, using

questionnaires. This is called a survey. Sometimes potential consumers

are asked to test products, and their responses are recorded.

Primary research has the advantage that the firm itself has control

over the whole process. The disadvantages are that it takes longer,

and costs more.

If I was to take this project in to a real life situation then I would

use Secondary research which explained below

What is Secondary or desk research?

This is the use of existing data that has already been collected. It

can be anything from a company's own sales statistics to Department of

Trade and Industry reports. Other secondary sources of information

include journals, company reports, government statistics, and surveys

published by research organizations.

Traditionally, these have been paper-based, but more and more

information is now available on CD>-ROM or on-line through the

Internet, desk research has the advantages of being cheaper and

quicker than field research. The disadvantages are not knowing if the

findings are accurate, or how relevant they will be to your product.

A selection of views

The statements below were taken from conversations on the 12th

December 2003.

"I personally feel that increasing petrol tax would not benefit us,

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