Should College Students Be Able To Multitask?

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In a school environment being able to multitask is a very important skill that all students most obtain. The term multitasking is being able to do two things at once, and be successful at it that will benefit any college student. Often students will procrastinate papers, and other assignments to the last minute; that may include projects, homework, and papers. When college students are trying to balance a job, school work, and maintain a social life. The skill to multitask will assist balance any new or old college student, and will develop over time. A few points to consider of the argument about multitasking would include the effect on students’ lives, and learning environment. One could ask any older or younger college student about to …show more content…

A point to consider is the students as a whole. Some may say the pressures of multitasking can significantly affect the students learning ability. An example would be from Pasher, Harrold Applied learning (Sep/Oct2013, Vol. 27 Issue 5, p593-599. 7p.) In this article students performed a test for being able to multitask and make an attempt to study at the same time. The students had to hold conversations, and try to complete the other task at hand. Also for another experiment, students had to listen to tapes, and recall information after the test was completed. The results from the study showed that students listening to audio tapes had different affects from other students. The effects of the experiment on the college students pressure to multitask shaped more trouble than the students that didn’t multitask. The troubles would include staying focus on the tasks that involved doing two things at once. They had to work harder to maintain a steady focus on an objective. In completion of this study the final result would say that multitasking does have some effect on studying, and learning. In the college level learning, students will have to overcome the challenges presented to …show more content…

That would include the amount of time the students will spend actually studying, and putting attempt towards his or her grades. In the PBS showing many students lacked motivation to put any effort in to their school work. They would glide by on put minimal effort in to their school work and, classes. The only way multitasking hurts learning if the student lets it influence them. Although, in the case on multitasking, and its effect on students learning a study by Calderwood, Charles. “Computers & Education. Jun2014, Vol. 75, p19-29. 11p.” In this study it showed how easily students can be distracted when facing multiple tasks. It has higher chances of distraction because it’s easier to lose focus when working on two things. The study also showed that the students more focused on homework, and multitasking had fewer distractions because of the goal of finishing the

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