The Debate On Voting Age

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Although many aspects are taken into account to form a political system and create outcomes that will improve the strength of a nation, none are more controversial than the debate on voting age and if modifications should be made. Minimum voting age can be argued as the most effective way to ensure a sufficiently adroit electorate. However even if voting was lowered to a particular age, this would not affect the outcome of voter turn-out, considering the many other age groups choosing not to vote, or even non-resident/citizens being restricted to this opportunity for that matter. With respect to this, a person in favour of keeping the voting age where it is at would argue that countries who are rather surplus on an economic standpoint, still have higher voting ages, allowing only their mature, educated citizens make these important contributions to a country. On the contrary, a person in favour on lowering the voting age could argue how bringing teenagers into this democratic process will bring more competition on different views and a higher turnout, however we must keep in mind that people below the age of eighteen have other responsibilities to attend too and could very likely vote based on ideas that they see best fit as an immature, foolish minor, or on the ideas their elders put on them. The purpose of this essay will be to emphasis why voting ages should not be lowered, and what could potentially be an alternate outcome to increase voter-turnout besides giving our youth the vote.

As lowering the voting age is, and will be an ongoing issue for years to come, we must consider that at an age so young, is one really ready to let youth make such valuable decisions. The system of mandatory voting thus increases the turnout ra...

... middle of paper ... allowing our youth to have this right, a nation must create a motive in already registered citizens, forming tactics that make voting more agreeable, which in turn will create higher turnout, and more well informed decisions. In regards to our youth however, first allowing stoicism, maturity, education and proper opinions that have a legitimate motive as to why that individual chooses to vote for a specific party, will create a stronger nation in having all educated voices represented. In relation, if a vote is allowed to be sixteen why not decrease drinking ages to sixteen as well, it is no secret that almost all our youth consume alcohol ‘illegally’, and what could be so different; it is only a recipe for disaster. Leaving the voting age to where it is at, is not only generous enough, but appropriate, as our youth are just not prepared that early in a lifetime.

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