The Deaf Leader of North Korea and His Reign of Terror

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Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, both “suryongs”—the leaders, mainly utilized terror to maintain their sovereignty in Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Kim Il Sung was a communist dictator of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea from 1948 to 1994. He was born on April 15th, 1912 near Pyongyang and received military and political training Soviet Union. Kim Il Sung also formed the provisional government in North Korea after Japanese’s surrender in World War II, through which he obtained authority in his political party—Korean Workers’ Party—and eventually became “The Great Leader”. (Higgins, Kim Il-Sung) Kim Il Sung also invented “Cult of Personality”, which was an organized effort to persuade North Koreans to worship him and to accept his policies without question. (Peterson and Margulies, North Korea, 1945-2009) Kim Jong Il, succeeding his father, Kim Il Sung, was a communist dictator of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea from 1994 to 2011. He was born in an anti-Japanese guerilla base in Mt. Baekdoo and involved himself in minor political affairs in North Korea to prepare himself as the impending absolute ruler of North Korea. (Joo, Kim Jong Il’s Birth and Growth) The younger Kim also continued his father’s “Cult of Personality”, thus announced himself as the “Dear Leader” of North Korea. As both Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il believed in the ideas of Juche—self-reliance, the North Korean citizens’ standard of living gradually worsened during his reign. (Frederikson, Kim Jong Il) After 17 years of absolute ruling, Kim Jong Il died of a heart attack in 2011. Throughout their rule, both Kims mainly used two different types of terror: Terror of own citizens and terror of foreigners. Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il followed terrorizing...

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