The DeLone and Mclean Model of Information Systems Success: A Ten-Year Update

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The D&M IS Success Model was created having the desire to understand the impacts of IS. This study was a follow-up to the previous model in 1992 which was used as the framework and model for assessing the complex dependent variable in IS research. Three components were identified in the process models; “creation of the system, use of the system and the consequences of the system use, (DeLone & McLean, 2003). The article serves to outline the authors’ beliefs that “the measurement of IS success or effectiveness is critical to our understanding of the value and efficacy of IS management actions and IS investments” (DeLone & McLean, 2003). The primary purpose was to update the original D&M IS Success Model as well as to assess its effectiveness due to the rapid changes in the practice of IS. Emphasis was placed on research efforts in order to propose enhancements to the original model. It also served to discuss the utility of the updated model in particular to measure the growth of e-commerce and make suggestions on how to measure IS success presently and in the future.
A taxonomy and an interactive model was recommended in order to organize a more diverse research and provide a more profound view of the concept of IS success. The D&M IS Success Model was founded on a “theoretical and empirical IS research”. The author’s goal was to combine previous research which involved IS successes into a more consistent body of knowledge to provide guidance to researchers in the future. The D&M taxonomy was based upon the “communications research of Shannon & Weaver, (1949) and the information “influence” theory of Mason, (1978), along with empirical management information systems (MIS) research studies”, DeLone & McLean, (2003), which was us...

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...ournal of Information Systems, 23(1). Retrieved from
Mason, R. O. (1978). Measuring information output: A communication systems approach. Information & Management, 1(5), 219-234.
Seddon, P. B. (1997). A respecification and extension of the DeLone and McLean model of IS success. Information Systems Research, 8(3), 240-253. Retrieved March 29, 2014
Seddon, P. B., & Kiew, M. Y. (1994). A partial test and development of the DeLone and McLean model of IS success. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, 99-110.
Shannon, C. E., & Weaver, W. (1949). The Mathematical Theory of Communication. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
Whyte, G., Bytheway, A., & Edwards, C. (1997). Understanding user perceptions of information system success. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 35-68. Retrieved March 29, 2014

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