The Dangers Of Survivor On Himmel Street, By Liesel Meminger

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Liesel Meminger went through a great deal of survivor’s guilt but she managed to get back up after every single moment. Liesel was the only one to survive from her family in which that caused guilt to build up. When her brother Werner died she had the guilt spill out. As she lived with her foster parents every night she wouldn’t have a pleasant dream she would have a nightmare. The guilt of surviving while her brother didn’t, was one of her factors of survivor’s guilt.”As usual her nightly nightmare interrupted her sleep and she was woken by Hans Hubermann. His hand held the sweaty fabric of her pajamas “‘The train?”’ he whispered Liesel confirmed,”’The train.”’ (Zusak 86) The nightmare of the train is her seeing her brother dead on the floor in which happened to her and the survivor guilt comes to her causing her to have these nightmares. As she learned to read and write, she went on many exploits and met many people. Ilsa Hermann gave her a book to write in, leading to her being the only survivor on Himmel street. Since she was the …show more content…

The snows of Stalingrad caused a lot of loss to him. Michael lost his brother Robert to the war but Michael managed to survive the war where he lost some of his fingers. Michael taunts himself asking why does he want to live and it starts to get to his head because a great deal of bad things happened to him as well as to the rest of his family and yet he still wants to live. “‘Why do I want to live? I shouldn’t want to, but I do” (Zusak 487) Since Michael kept asking himself why do I want to live his state of mind became to an unhealthy state and he just kept taunting himself until he died committing suicide. “Michael Holtzapfel knew what he was doing. He killed himself for wanting to live.”(Zusak 503) Michael took his Survivor’s guilt in a different route for the reason it completely shattered his state of mind tearing him into

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