The Dakota Sioux: A Native Indian Tribe

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The Dakota sioux is a Native Indian Tribe. Their are just over 21,000 Dakota Sioux members living today. In the 19th century, these indians lived in the Great plains. Located in the mid west, this area was filled with grass plains, hills, lakes and rivers. We know refer to this area as Nebraska, North/ South Dakota and parts of Minnesota. Their climate in this area was normal warm summers and cold winters which they relied on each other as a community to help others in need since they did not have a designated doctor until closer to the end of the 19th century. These people relied on their land to support them for food and when the game went scares they travelled around. This is why they are so spread out because of the fact that when some …show more content…

This made their clothing unique to other tribes. They used bring colour that were dipped in different liquids and even sometimes blood from animals that were usually killed for a specific need. Wood and bark was super important to help build houses but also have enough to make a fire when the weather started to get colder. The men would use stones and wood to make bows and arrows and different weapons. The women would make the clothing and blankets for the winter time made of elk or deer skin. The Dakota Sioux were very big hunters. The men hunted deer, elk, bear, wild turkey and the most popular buffalo. They didn 't fish a lot because of the fact that it was against their religion to kill fish for food because of the fact that they saw it as an offering that a young child will give up to the gods to become a man. The women would mainly gather berries and roots for heavier alternatives to the meat. They also had their children help out because of the fact that they didn 't want the children to hunt at a young age. The roots were also used for medicine along with foot. Since the Dakota were nomadic, they would move and migrate where ever the buffalo went and when food was scare they would have their meat dried and take around with them so they were never hungry. Since they were nomadic their housing needed to be easy to …show more content…

This worked until the white people came over and money was introduced. Along with other spices and beads and such to trade with. The Dakota Sioux were not a very confrontational group and never really got into wars with other tribes but did when the white settlers came over. This war was known as the Great Sioux War. The Dakota fought hard to keep their land but with the invention of the rife and the upper hand of having more men. The settlers were able to stop the natives from trying to push them back to the east. When the white men wanted to take their land for good, they found the best way to get these natives to go where they wanted was to kill off the buffalo. They killed all the buffalo except the ones near the reservation. Because of the fact that the Dakota migrated with the buffalo they were forced onto the reservations where the majority stayed and lived for hundreds of years while the United states was forming. This made the Dakota dependant of the Newley forming U.S. government to make sure they had food. This was all given when the Dakota signed a treaty giving their land to the Migrators. Ultimately without the buffalo the Dakota people starved because of the fact that they could no longer find what they needed on the reservation. This started in 1889 when starvation had whispered across North and South Dakota. This made the Dakota people revolt and start to head westward to find new

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