The Cure

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The time period of the world now is better than any other one throughout history. The world today is especially superior to the one in the 2000’s. This increase in human happiness and health is all due to the founding of the cure. The cure makes the world a better place to live in by allowing humans to live their lives the fullest without having to deal with the fear of pain.
The early 21st century is called The Time of Pain by many historians. People all over the world died in agony, because of famines, wars, and natural disasters. Worse than that, people suffered through great pain as they died. Even if members of richer countries wanted to help their fellow humans, there was a not enough supply to go around.
It was during this time that a team of brilliant sciences, now called the Creators, found the cure for pain. People came by the billions to receive their treatment. The Cure is human-made virus that blocks nerve endings from sending the brain information about any pain the body is feeling. When people of the past realized that the Cure was the way of the future, they supported the Creators in their goal of making impossible for any human to ever be in pain again.
Five years later an air-born pathogen of the virus was made and sent out in to the world. Not more than three months later every person in the world was pain free. The incredible thing about the Cure is that, not only do those who physically receive the Cure get its benefits, but also so does their future generations.
The world, now in the 22nd century, is a fantastic place to live. No one needs to feel guilty about people living in poor countries with the reassurance that those people will live and die painlessly. Another incredible thing about our...

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... it killed her, which it might very well do. She saw that the finish line was only ten feet way and once again began struggling towards it. On her way there she uncovered two more land mines. Each one damaging her as much as the first. She broke through the finish line and shoved the trident into the hands of the host. Contempt for him etched in every line of her face. Noise finally once again broke through her ears and she heard the applause from the audience cheering her victory.
Mae stood there watching the audience give her a standing ovation. She looked eye to eye with many of the audience members. Taking a deep breath she said the words that had been going through her mind for the last forty five minutes. “This has to stop.” After she finished getting the words out the world seemed to spin and the last thing she remembered was looking up at the sky.

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