The Importance Of Cultural Relationship In Culture

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Because of the cultural diversity in the world, anthropologist see a vast difference in human customs around the global. One of these customs would be the idea of sexuality and kinship. Different culture practice different things such as sex and the ideas of family vary.
Humans as a whole are creature of nature. Although we do not think of ourselves in an animalistic way, we do tend to react on instinct. This can be scene when are trying to find a partner. An example of this is after we spend sometime with our potential partner. The two will synch up their body movements. Take for example if a man was to cross his legs, the woman will subcontensley cross her legs as well.
Another example is when humans flirt. Women in the amazon have a very …show more content…

In Greece, men will carry a handkerchief of some sort under their armpits. When the man see’s a potential conquest he will pull out the handkerchief and give it the the woman of his choice. According to the record books, this method is very successful.
The Dowayos are a very sex positive oriented group. They allow their children from a very early age to engage in sexual activity. The Dowayos do not have ages. Therefore it is estimated that they are sexually active by the age of eight, Boys are allowed to stay the night with young girls under the supervision of the girl 's mother. If a girls ends up getting pregnant without being married, it is not a negative thing. It shows signs of fertility and is to be celebrated. A male cannot come into contact with menstrual blood. According to the Dowayos, a male will become …show more content…

Here in the US, we tend to have one husband or wife and the couple will decide whether or not they want to have children and if so will decide how many they want. In class we watched a clip in Russia, and how this guy had multiple wives. This is a universal set up. Many people will have many wives or many people will have many husbands.
Take for example the story of Pema and Sonman. They are brothers and they are marrying the same women from a different village. The wife will leave her home to go live with them. The eldest brother will most likely have the more dominant, but all the brothers will share in sexual encounter with their bride. When a child is reared they will not try and figure out who its father is. As far as they are considered the child is all of theres. This occurs in Tibet.
Personally I think this can be related to cultural realism. The idea of having multiple wives or husband is very weird to us here in the US because as I stated above, we generally have one bride or husband. But when you get a better look at the situation it makes sense in a way, this will ensure that the family sticks together. All and all there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to sexuality and kinship. It is all going to vary based on the location you are in and they way you are brought up in this

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