The Cuban Missile Crisis: John F. Kennedy's Presidential Legacy

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The Cuban Missile Crisis was known also as the October Crisis, leaders of the United States and Soviet union, engaged in a 13 day political crisis. The Cuban Missile was engaged in many different thing and happen to be the biggest event of the 20th century. The Cuban Missile had left a big impact on John F. Kennedy's Presidential Legacy, it had a link to Bay of Pigs, had a world wide support for the actions of the United States, and Rationale for the Soviet Union. The Cuban Missile Crisis was a direct and important part of history, it was an attack between the United States and Soviet Union. The two became close to a Nuclear Conflict. The Crisis was a unique part of history in a number of ways; there was secret communications, miscommunications, miscalculation and etc. The Cuban Missile Crisis was solved when we agreed to not go to nuclear war with each other because they didn't want to risk having a nuclear war and didn’t spread world wide.

The Cuban Missile Crisis was in October of 1962, it was a big event of the 20th century Because of the actions of Soviet Khrushchev and the United states President John Kennedy, nuclear disaster in the world was avoided. The Cuban missile was a big deal in the U.S., Khrushchev had a big role in the Cuban Missile and Cuban-Soviet relations. The problem began on October 16-17 in …show more content…

Making it impossible for his military to resist the invaders. On April 15, 1961, a group of Cuban exiles took off from Nicaragua in a squadron of American B26 bombers, they had it painted to look like a stolen Cuban plane. And they conducted a strike against Cuban airfields. However it turned out that Castro and his advisers knew about the raid and had his planes moved out of the way of any harm. Frustrated Kennedy began to think that the plan CIA had promised they would be “both clandestine and successful”, might in fact be “too large to be clandestine and too small to be

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