The Crowing of Richard the Third and the Turning Point

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The Turning Point alex thorn The crowning of Richard III marks the turning point from his rise into power to his demise. Up until he becomes king, Richard is the underdog – albeit, a ruthless and evil one. Thus far, the entire play has been focused on Richard’s attempts to assume power and seize the throne. However, once he becomes crowned King Richard, the focus of the play shifts to Richard’s attempts to maintain power and hold the throne. Essentially, the challenge for Richard is no longer gaining power, but keeping it. It is this new struggle that, ultimately, redefines his allies and, more importantly, changes both Richard’s personality and the audience’s sympathy for him. Richard begins the play not only as an inspired, determined underdog, but he is also cursed with a terrible deformation; the audience is sympathetic and sees Richard, despite his inherent evilness, as the aspiring hero. Midst his self-loathing, Richard also defines himself as an outsider because of his deformities, which helps the audience sympathize with him (it’s hard to hate someone who hates himself). Even before the play begins, Richard had planned his takeover of the throne. His brother, Clarence, the sickly King Edward, and Edward’s two sons all stand in his way, but Richard remains undeterred and ambitious. For the next three acts, Richard, the underdog, conspires and deceives – seemingly smarter than all the other characters – to get closer and closer to the throne. Richard is confident an...

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