Argumentative Essay On Nature Nurture

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The issue to be debated is the argument is whether Intelligence, is an element of nature and is simply something that someone is born with, or whether it is an learn skill A variable that changes depending on the collective knowledge and experience s that the person goes though up until the point of testing. My stance on the controversial topic known in our textbook as the nature-nurture controversy (Samuel, Ellen, Denise, Eileen, Serge, 2011 p. 207) Is of the belief that nurturing is the more convincing side of this debacle, and by the end I hope the evidence of my opinion explains my point.
Firstly, one piece of evidence that supports the side of Nature is judged via the measurement of IQ or Intelligence quotient. Which is defined as, “An index of intelligence originally deceived by dividing mental age by chronological age and then multiplying by one hundred.(As cited in Samuel et al, . 2011) ( p. 207) The main problem is the correlation between cultural differences such as teaching styles and education level directly effects the accuracy of the test.(p207-9) Multiple researchers such as J.Phillippe Rushton, “Claimed that …show more content…

Firstly it is difficult to measure the intelligence of people with different education, language or culture as the exam was prepared for. Secondly the school of thought that race had a link to intelligence falls apart when put under scrutiny and put into context. Third the Environment that we live in had changes dramatically and with it our Intellect has changed as well over time, and the twin’s dilemma although a very interesting research, need more context and a more broad variety of sample s before a conclusion can be made. All in all it seems that the theory of the way someone is raised affects intellect more that the circumstances of one’s

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