Andrew Jackson: The Achievements Of The Jacksonian Democracy

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Andrew Jackson Andrew Jackson had a number of accomplishments the first one being the Jacksonian Democracy. The Jacksonian democracy was a political movement that he and his supporters started. The movement was to make the democracy better for the common men and celebrated white supremacy. This movement was suppose to be a democratic movement to enforce powerful ideals but of course only for white men. Jackson had a lot of supports most of them being farmers. Jackson claimed to want more land for plantation and also wanted to aid hard working farmers, planters and equality for all white males. The movement was for equality of farmers and white men but farmers in South Carolina began to worry that Jacksonians would endanger them because they feared Jackson lacked vigilance to protect their needs. This lead to the nullification crisis and oppositionists were angered by Jackson and said that Jacksonians brought corruption and tyranny instead of democracy. Jackson 's second accomplishment is the Dismantle of the second Bank of the U.S. Andrew Jackson announced that the government would no longer use the Second Bank of the U.S. in 1833. Jackson did not like that the bank lacked fundings for the expansion of western territories and used executive power to remove federal funds from the bank. Jackson started …show more content…

They were very close and went together to inauguration. After it was over when he walked down the steps the crown that was there cheered for him. People lined up next to the train that was taking Andrew back with his family. The people praised him and watched as he left. Jackson retired and did not do much except send letters to workers in the government , he gave them advice and helped them. He spent most of his time retired with his son and grandson. He then began a hobby on reading many newspaper. He then began to collect and arrange papers for a biography by Amos

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