The Confurmability Factor Analysis: An Analysis Of Confirmatory Factor Analysis

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Based on the Schumacker and Lomaz (2004), Confirmatory factor analysis Passing KMO and Bartlett’s test is a pre-requisite to factor analysis. The study’s investigations disclosed precise decent results, where the KMO score is above the .80 value which it is indicates that a significant Barlett’s Test. This figure however describes that the collected data are suitable for conducting factor analysis.
The rotated component matrix above displayed eight separate components with their particular items. From this analysis, there are new forming of endogenous variable which is Attitudinal Loyalty and also new formed of exogenous variables which are Belief and Consumer Ethics. As we can see, the items in CA and CS been …show more content…

The minimum, or smallest, value of the variable is 1 for AL and CE. Mean is the arithmetic mean across the observations. It is the most broadly applied measure of central tendency. It is generally so-called the average. The mean is sensitive to tremendously large or small values. The maximum mean from the table is product acceptance associated to the other variable. Standard deviation is the square root of the variance. It measures the spread of a set of observations. The greater the standard deviation is, the more spread out the observations are. In this study, the highest value of standard deviation is consumer ethics .82572. Therefore, skewness measures the degree and direction of asymmetry. A symmetric spreading such as a normal distribution has a skewness of 0, and a distribution that is skewed to the left. In this study the skewness is negative value. Kurtosis is a measure of the heaviness of the tails of a distribution. In SAS, a normal distribution has kurtosis 0. Extremely non-normal distributions may have high positive or negative kurtosis values, while approximately normal distributions will have kurtosis values close to 0. Kurtosis is positive if the tails are "heavier" than for a normal distribution and negative if the tails are "lighter" than for a normal distribution. From this study, the kurtosis showed a positive kurtosis values which indicates that the nearly non-normal …show more content…

Each factor is measured by a minimum of two to a maximum of four observed variables, the reliability of which is influenced by random measurement error, as specified by the connected error term. Each of these observed variables is regressed into its respective factor. Lastly all the seven factors are revealed to be inter-correlated.
The results shown in table above arrange for a rapid summary of the model fit, which includes the x² value (334.687), together with its degrees of freedom (164) and probability value (0.000).
In the table NPAR stands for Number of parameters, and CMIN (x²) is the minimum discrepancy and represents the discrepancy between the unrestricted sample covariance matrix S and the restricted covariance matrix. Df stands for degrees of freedom and P is the probability value.
In SEM a relatively small chi-square value supports the proposed theoretical model being tested. In this model the x² value is 334.687 and is small compared to the value of the independence model (3971.586). Hence the x² value is good. The model is over identified, where the DF value exceeded zero (DF> 0).
The other different common model-fit measures used to assess the models overall goodness of fit as explained

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