The Conflict of Bureaucracy, Religion, and Death

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Sometimes things do not make sense; this is why, when authors cannot make sense of things, they decide to write a novel to express their confusion. This is how the novel Catch-22 was born from the mind of Joseph Heller. Humor is effectively shown throughout the book, nuzzling its way in between sentences as Heller digs into tough subjects such as bureaucracy, loss of faith, and death. The novel is told in third person; although it turns its focus primarily on Yossarian, what happens to him, and how he feels; he is the protagonist. After reading this novel one would believe it to be a war novel as it takes place during World War 2, but it can also be labeled as a satire under further review. Furthermore, this book review will examine the storyline, the author’s vision and issues found throughout the novel, and compare/relate the novel to other books and bigger issues.
For people who have never read Catch-22, a summary is necessary for complete understanding of the ideas further expressed in the review. Yossarian, as ones knows, is the main character and protagonist; he is an Air Force Captain and bombardier during World War 2. The story takes place around the Mediterranean as he is stationed in Pianosa, a small island in the region of Italy. The story starts with Yossarian having a liver condition leaving him in the hospital as he wishes to return home. He cannot return home because Colonel Cathcart continuously raises the number of missions needed to return home, making him one of the antagonist. The liver condition is not real, and that is the start too many different trials and arguments Yossarian tries in order for him to be released from the war. Thus the conflict is revealed as many different people and groups want him ...

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...dditionally make sure to read this novel in a high energy environment to allow one’s mind to have clear thoughts and be able to comprehend the novel to the brain to the fullest extent. A word of caution that the novel has some foul language and inappropriate content, the movie that follows the novel is Rated R. Now, to wrap up the issues brought up in the novel: death is scary because of its uncertainty and is not to be handled lightly. The Air Force is corrupt and has problems that need to be solved but they do not have the resources to accommodate the needs of everyone. Religion and faith can be hard to maintain but every individual person must look to their morals to determine if it is truly worth it. The novel is wonderful and important for AP students to read even though it may be difficult to comprehend at some points but worthwhile never the less.

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