The Importance Of Border Conflict

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Problems raised surround the border, the border conflicts, bring out the need of a border thinking. Because border has already imbued with oppositions, the interaction happened in the border is also problematic. Conflicts happen not only identity conflict but also classed, racial, language etc. Mignolo and Tlostanova argue that this kind of “thinking or theorizing emerges from and as a response to the violence (frontiers), modernity, and globalization that continues to be implemented on the assumption of the inferiority or devilish intentions of the Other and, therefore continues to justify oppression and exploitation as well as eradication of the difference” (206). Kanellos affirms that people who cross borders either physically or symbolically or even in both ways “construct more than one national identity at a time or deconstruct and reject them all” (34). In the process of constructing the identity, …show more content…

Abstract borders differ from the concrete ones, as they are not limited by time and space. This kind of border is more fluid than the fenced, gated and walled border. Nonetheless, both borders are open to any border conflict where people involve in a clash between the two sides of the border. Experiencing a border conflict motivates people especially scholars to look for a remedy. Anzaldúa, for example, invents the Mestiza Consciousness as the alternative to find the middle ground between the oppositional sides of the border. Experiencing a border conflict herself, Anzaldúa is able to find the ‘cure’ herself. By understanding the nature of the border, people can also acquire ‘a border perspective’ as proposed by Martínez. This kind of perspective works similar to Anzaldúa’s. In the process of understanding both sides of the border, the process of un-learning the dominant discourse happens. In Mignolo and Tlostanova’s terms, it is known as the critical border

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