The Complexities of Hinduism

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The religion of Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world. The many aspects of Hinduism present a complex religion. However complex and intellectual this religion seems, the over whelming branches and diversities of Hinduism pose problems for the Hindu worldview. The history, nature of the world, practical outcomes, and superiority of Christianity display the challenges that Hinduism presents. From Hinduism’s pantheon of gods to its dysfunctional caste system, this religion has wreaked havoc upon its followers spiritually and physically.
The historical background of Hinduism is shrouded in mist just like their ultimate reality. Having no concrete founder, Hinduism’s origins seem to “emerge from the jungle.” Hinduism is the only religion that cannot provide sufficient evidence of its birth (Apologetics Press). Unlike Christianity, the Hindu’s do not posses one creation myth. Starting with the tale of Indra, “the maker of all,” the creation myths slowly morph into the fantastic tale of Brahma, the four-mouthed god that sprang from a lotus flower (Apologetics Press).Many facets of Hinduism coincide with Christian elements. In the early stages of Hinduism, monotheism was presented as the first creation myth. Even as God allowed Noah and his family to live, Manu was the Hindu survivor after a terrible flood swept over the earth. But when you mix mysterious origins and an inconsistent ultimate reality, the result is Hinduism (Apologetics Press).
The nature of the world for Hindus is full of separation, pessimism, and spiritual chaos. The quality of individuals is decided by the one Supreme Lord. Social classes were also predestined by the supreme Lord (Chang 183). Embracing certain aspects of other religions, Hinduism has b...

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...followers, but its complexities contradict, its outcomes do not benefit, and its view of the natural world is full of pessimism. As a pagan culture, Hindus must be reached by the redeeming message of the gospel. Even if the religion poses problems for the Hindu culture, God has called Christians to spread the gospel to other cultures. In the war of evangelism, Christians must preach the simple message of the gospel to contradict the complicated message of Hinduism.

Works Cited

Chang, Lit-Sen. Asia’s Religions: Christianity’s Momentous Encounter with Paganism.
Vancouver: Horizon Ministries Canada, 1999. Print.
V, Jayaram. HinduWebsite. 2013. Web. 11 Feb. 2014.
Bass, Alden. An Investigation of Hindu Scripture. Montgomery: Apologetics Press, 2004. Print.
Bass, Alden. Apologetics Press. 2004. Web. 11 Feb. 2014.
A Tribute to Hinduism. Web. 11 Feb. 2014.

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