Common Sense Essay

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The colonization of America began when many colonists and settlers from emigrated from Europe and began to settle into the North American colonies. Many came to the North American colonies to look for the opportunity of wealth by conquering and ruling land. Throughout the years, the transformation of the country changed drastically and experienced an era of remarkable growth. As the approach to the 18th century became closer, British America had developed a method of ruling and government in the North American Colonies and with time, America would want fight for their independence from the British. One key event that supported the move toward American Independence included the publication of an influential pamphlet, Common Sense, written by Thomas Paine. Common Sense highlighted the importance in conquering independence from Britain and gave colonists the devotion and self-fulfillment to keep fighting and achieving self-government. …show more content…

Paine questioned British parliament and monarchy and also shared that “of more worth is one honest man to society and in the sight of god than all crowned ruffians that ever lived” (Paine, 1776). Colonies where under the rule of one king where liberty and honesty were very unlikely. When Paine wrote Common sense, he gave insight to a government with elections, where citizen’s rights could be protected with a written constitution (Foner, p.193). Common sense not only would be influential to declare independence but would also guide the Second Continental Congress in creating a written constitution that we now call The Declaration of Independence. The United States then became the only nation that offered the principle of universal freedom and taking into consideration the opinions of all

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