Poverty In Low-Income Countries Essay

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Poverty has been around for a long time and over time more and more sociologists have discovered reasons to why poverty exists. In developing countries, poverty features as a central issue; not only that but the world in general has a poverty problem. Almost half of the world, over three billion people, lives with less than $2.50 a day and at least 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 a day (Shah, 2013). Relating back to the question at hand, how might the poverty of low-income countries be explained from a sociology perspective? It basically asks why does poverty exist in low-income countries. One must first define poverty; poverty has changed over time. Unfortunately, poverty is essentially the lack of an acceptable amount of money to live …show more content…

The majority of the developing countries are situated in tropical regions. Life is hard to live when living in these tropical regions. One of the reasons is because of agriculture, the soil is bad and the plants have fewer carbohydrates. Furthermore, people in poor countries are more easily exposed to diseases such as arboviruses, bacterial infections and parasitic diseases. All of low income countries are affected by at least five diseases at the same time. Moreover, low-income countries have a lack of crops, which makes it hard to produce food, and hence there is nothing to sell; causing starvation and an increase of famines. Lots of people depend on good soil, as that is where most of the income in poor countries comes from. The majority of workers in low income countries engage in self-employment or unpaid family work, such as in agriculture, and especially subsistence farming (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2012: 18). Soil is destructed for many reasons such as, deforestation, desertification, soil degradation and so forth. Therefore, if the soil is destroyed many people loses their jobs. Between 1999 and 2009 agriculture employment accounted for half of all employment and over 1 billion people are employed in world agriculture. In the sub-Saharan Africa, agriculture accounts for more than 60% of the entire workforce (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2012: 18). Furthermore, when speaking of geography, travel also comes at play. Low-income countries tend to be isolated and badly connected. Countries such as Bolivia, Paraguay and Afghanistan are completely landlocked. Without communication from the outside world will doubtfully mean less money for those countries. That also means that they have higher transport costs and not everyone can afford that. Furthermore, depending on where the country is situated, they can easily be affected by natural disasters and

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