The Fall Of The Roman Republic Essay

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“He is said to have been tall of stature… except that towards the end.” What was it that really led to the fall of the Roman Republic? There are a lot of different factors to consider when trying to determine what caused the collapse. By examining The Rubicon, The Life of Julius Caesar, and some accompanying handouts from class, this paper will discuss how the Roman Republic did not collapse because of one factor. The collapse of the Roman Republic was like that of a game of Jenga. Factors were pulled out of the Republican system just like a game of Jenga until the Republic could not stand anymore.
Before diving into the reasons for the Roman Republic’s collapse, there must be an explanation of the game Jenga. Jenga is a game where you create …show more content…

It has to do with another strong military leader called Pompey the Great. The disagreements and fighting between the two men created a civil war within the Roman Republic. People of the Republic did not know whether to join the forces of Julius Caesar or Pompey the Great. A great example of this can be found in Steven Saylor’s The Rubicon. There is a scene in The Rubicon where Gordianus and Tiro are in a tavern and there are a few men playing a game with dice. Anytime they cast the dice they yell “The die is cast!” which is a joke based on the words Caesar had said when he crossed the Rubicon. Tiro explains that the game has taken Caesar’s name and called the Venus Throw the Caesar Throw. Tiro then explains that this does not mean that the men had taken Caesar’s side, but that it is mostly superstition because Caesar is said to be descended from Venus. Nonetheless, this shows the divide that both Julius Caesar and Pompey the Great have created in …show more content…

Caesar was sole consul and at times acted like a king. The senate did not like this because the Romans held the tradition of a hatred of kings. It was then that the senate believed that Julius Caesar was a threat to the Republic. The senate and everyone liked Caesar, but they had decided that the best way to save the Republic was to assassinate Caesar. This was yet another piece of the game that was pulled out of the structure of the Roman Republic. Yes, the Romans were able to destroy the person that they thought was the threat to the Republic, but it was the position not the person that was the threat. With Julius Caesar gone, the void was still there for someone to fill.
The next block to be removed from the Roman Republic game of Jenga happens with the relationship between Marc Antony and Octavian. With the assassination of Julius Caesar came a full on war between the people who murdered him and Antony and Octavian. The Roman Republic was restored but not fully. Antony and Octavian never restored power to the senate. Instead they both formed an alliance along with Lepidus, called themselves the Second Triumvirate, and ruled the Rome Republic together. To show a symbol of Octavian’s alliance to Antony, he gave his daughter Octavia to marry

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