The Collapse Of A Clean

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War and Appeal to the Popular: The Collapse of a Clean Invade

Nowadays, wars are not easy to exist unless negotiations failed or treaties were disabled. The issued about the Vietnam War is North Vietnam had broken the peace treaty with South Vietnam (which was supported by the US military) in 1975 and then divided Viet Nam into 2 parts: The North being communist, and the South as a non- communist. During the Vietnam War, many students, or young American soldiers, and army had been destroyed by the North Vietnam troops, along with these outcomes, many young protestors, especially at colleges; students decided to speak up and convinced the elders to be on their side, however not all adults greeted these young protestors favorable.
The cartoonist, John Fischetti has been created this political cartoon- “Name a Clean One” that have been published during the Viet Nam war; the cartoon “Name a Clean One” illustrates the appeal to the popular as a criticize and convincing the older generation to trust and vote for the U.S troops to get out of the war and let the South handle it by them...

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