The Chosen People Analysis

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The film I watched, called, “RANANA MALKHANOVA -- A WORLD DESTROYED, A WORLD TO REMEMBER” was about a Lithuanian girl named Ranana who was from a family that was separated during World War II. She traveled with her mother, hiding where they could to stay alive. Like the Israelites, she traveled by foot in order to reach their goal, safety for them, and the promised land for the israelites. However, Ranana and her mother weren’t just freed from slavery or any other form of labor like the israelites were. Therefore, they had more physical strength to keep going. Mentally, both parties were completely lost. The Israelites had no direction and were distressed from all of their years as slaves, just as Ranana and her mother had no direction after running away from the Germans who were capturing the Jews …show more content…

In Isaiah 42: 6-8 it says that God commanded us to be a light upon nations which means, as a Jew, we are chosen to spread our values to all people because our Jewish values are human values. Ranana demonstrated the expectation of being a light upon nations by opening a school, becoming a teacher, and receiving her degree in Russian literature. She taught children of all faiths and spread her wisdom and values with them. In Isaiah 49: 6, God says that it is not enough to follow the commandments, you need to be a good person too. Ranana demonstrated the expectation of being a good person that does good deeds. She did this by honoring the righteous gentiles that hid her and her mother for months. The family fed them and they risked their lives to protect strangers. In 1944 Ranana filed forms to Israel's Holocaust Museum to engrave the family’s name into the wall of high honor for brave people. She did a mitzvah and felt it was her duty as a Holocaust survivor to honor those brave people who kept her

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