The Challenges Of Globalization

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Globalization refers to the changes in the world where we are moving away from self-contained countries and toward a more integrated world. Globalization of business is the change in a business from a company associated with a single country to one that operates in multiple countries.

The effect of the change has not come without challenges broadly consisting the top five challenge trends and solutions, cross cultural and ethical considerations:

Three of the top 5 challenge trends:

Adverse weather patterns over the past 10 to 20 years ago have given rise to environmental concerns. Global warming is a top most concern. Its results comprise rising sea level and failing crops Also, death tolls disease outbreaks and shortages of drinking water …show more content…

Thus, managers need to employ specific organisational skills to manage a cross cultural workforce. Unfortunately the fast paced progress of globalization has created shortages of specific skills.

The top 5 solutions:

Businesses are becoming more connected with the use of internet information, words, sounds and pictures are easily exchanged this places a manager in the best role to gather information and disseminate into the organisation and exchange to the outside environment in the overall interpersonal role

As businesses become more global, there is ease of reach to employees, and suppliers meet customers. The penetration of mobile phones has changed the operation of business as more people get connected and share information. Mangers leadership roles are easily communicated to different parts of the organisation especially multinational departments

There is also extensive sharing of creative contents as it easier for anyone to post their content of creative efforts on platforms such as flicker, YouTube. Also, open source and widkids for contributions and ideas transmission. Consequently there is a rise of e-lance economy-workers working from anywhere. Managers can now manage workers from anywhere local or overseas …show more content…

Firstly, performance orientation is about the focus of rewards. In the US and Singapore the focus is towards performance improvement and excellence. Management offer employees with opportunities for improvement through training. In Russia and Greece family and background are more prominent.

Uncertainties of life bring anxiety and there are different reactions as either high or low avoidance to uncertainty in order to address anxiety. In Brazil and Switzerland strict rules, procedures, social norms are used to minimize uncertainty. Thus, order, consistency and structure are encouraged. On the other hand, Hong Kong and Malaysia are low avoidance uncertainty oriented.

In highly assertive societies such as the US and Austria completion between individuals and groups is encouraged and management rewards the best idea. In New Zealand and harmony, loyalty and solidarity are

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