Exploring Self-Healing: A Chakra Journaling Guide

963 Words2 Pages

Chakra Journaling Journey By Silvia Mordini

The Chakras are an inner and outer map of transformation. These are archetypal and energetic maps that are as metaphorical as they are very real and embodied. Everything we see, taste, touch, feel, and do can be interpreted through the gateway of the chakras.

We will learn how to tap into these sacred energies through journaling in order to gain insight into healing our psyche, emotions and well-being.

Begin by taking a 3-minute meditation. Then move forward in an easeful way journaling for each chakra. You could do a chakra per day or flow through all of them at one sitting. You could even arrange it so you do the lower chakras day 1, middle chakra (the heart) on day 2 and on day 3 journal the
Allow whatever is arising to settle in you. Some way of shaking off whatever feels confining or uncomfortable, and some way of owning and drawing strength from the aspects of the writing that felt empowering and authentic and courageous. Love yourself, love your day, love your life! Silvia


ROOT • If I really believed in myself I would...(and I would stop...)
• If I felt safer and more secure I would... (And I would stop...)
• What am I afraid of people knowing about me?
• If I knew I wouldn't fail I would...(And I would stop...)
• If I knew the world could 100 percent support me in the life I desire I would...(And I would stop...)
• How do I define integrity?
• What is my personal honor code? Have I compromised it?

SACRAL • How do I define creativity?
• Am I a creative person? Do I follow through on my creative ideas?
• List 5 ways you could better nurture your creativity.
• How often do I try to change my habits or routine?
• What new patterns have I adopted this past year?
• How am I different today than I was a year
Until I lose weight, finish my book, or get a promotion?
• Do I spend a lot of time on something that’s important to someone else, but not to me?
• Would I be happy to see my children have the life I’ve had, more or less?

THROAT • Is it easy or hard to be truthful?
• How can I express myself more honestly and openly?
• Am I able to admit when I am wrong?
• Is there a myth in my life that I have perpetuated? Something not really true?
• What makes me lose control?
• How do I define healthy communication?
• What am I not saying?
• How do I demonstrate healthy listening?
• Am I balanced in the time I spend talking and listening?
• Could I take a day of silence per week? Or eat one meal per day in silence?
• Do I have a tendency to exaggerate or embellish facts to support my point of view?
• If I could show you my truest self you would see....

BROW • What beliefs do I continue to accept that I know are not true?
• What attitudes do I have that disempower me?
• What am I not being?
• What am I not giving?
• What am I not receiving?
• Do I know I need to change but continually postpone it?
• Do I make excuses for not moving forward in my life?
• Have I tried to experiment with my conditioned (habitual)

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