The Causes Of Water Pollution Is A Human Problem

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The Earth’s surface is covered by over two-thirds of water. With half of the world being covered by water; pollution in the water is a very big crisis that can actually be reduced to some extent. Water pollution is a human problem because it seems to be a recent development that started round the end of the 19th century. Scientists say that “humans have limits with an estimated 7 billion people on the planet, and pollution is a sign of exceeded pollution. According to the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) pollution is a serious problem. “Pollution from toxic chemicals threatens life on this planet. Every ocean and every continent, from the tropics to the once-pristine polar regions, is contaminated." Now that we know how serious it is, let’s talk about what pollution is, what causes it, the effects, and how we can help. Water pollution is described as one substance or more building up to a certain level and causing problems to animals or humans. …show more content…

Human activity can influence the quality of our water in the environment. Sewage is a major problem because billions of people are disposing of waste. Although, there has been an improvement on being able to obtain clean water, yet little has been done on upgrading the global sanitation. Sewage disposal has an immediate effect on people’s environment and leads to water related illnesses such as; diarrhea and cholera. Waste water is chemicals consumed down drains and released from factories can cause. Half of all ocean pollution is caused by sewage and water waste. The world generates tons of industrial waste that is usually untreated when dumped in the ocean, lakes, and rivers. Around 300,000 factories in the United States remove clean water from rivers and dump polluted water back in. However, EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has invested about $60 billion to improve waste water as of

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