The Causes Of The Treaty Of Versailles

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WW2 was a time in history which can be known as Germany’s period of revenge. But this revenge stems back into 1919 to the Paris Peace Conference in which Germany was forced to sign a treaty written by the victors of WW1. In this treaty, Germany was forced to accept sole blame for the First World War and pay heavy reparations in the form of money, territory and military. An agreement intended to end one war in peace sparked one to follow; this is what the peace treaty signed in Versailles served to do. Germany’s fate was supposed to be predetermined through the Treaty of Versailles, but who knew that Germany would cross all boundaries to defy their fate. The principal cause of WW2 was the Treaty of Versailles as it harshly impacted the well-being …show more content…

Based on an article describing Germany’s rearmament “In 1933, Hitler ordered his army generals to prepare to treble the size of the army to 300 000 men” (“Germany and Rearmament”). This decision of Hitler violated the military clause of the peace treaty. Hitler built his army to once again strengthen Germany and prove its capability as a European power. He waited to see how the world would react to this action however the world didn’t respond and instead Britain signed an agreement to allow them a small navy. The invasion of Rhineland is described as “Beginning at dawn on Saturday, March 7, 1936 three battalions of the German Army crossed the bridges over the Rhine and entered into the industrial heartland of Germany known as the Rhineland” (“Triumph of Hitler”). This invasion was another contravention of the treaty as under it no German troops were allowed to enter this demilitarized region. Hitler invaded this region because it was rich in resources. This was once again a move intended to revenge for the harm caused by the treaty initially. On the day of March 12th 1938 “Adolf Hitler announces an “Anschluss” (union) between Germany and Austria, in fact annexing the smaller nation in to a greater Germany” (“Hitler announces Anschluss”). The treaty denied a union with Austria and Hitler breached this provision as well. This annexation was necessary to compensate …show more content…

The implementation of the treaty weakened Germany’s economy financially, politically, and socially. Furthermore, the clauses of the treaty created very difficult circumstances for the people of Germany in which survival became a challenge for them. Finally, Hitler’s actions that led to the war were all an effort to reverse the Treaty of Versailles and seek revenge for Germany. The treaty’s purpose was to maintain peace and prevent future wars. But, the treaty’s clauses impacted Germany in such a way that its impact wasn’t realized until the initiation of World War

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